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Installing Kali Linux on Your Smartphone: [Complete Guide]

4 Mins read

Are you a security enthusiast or a hacker looking to expand your toolkit? Installing Kali Linux on your smartphone can offer you a powerful and portable platform for penetration testing and security analysis. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of installing Kali Linux on your smartphone without rooting the device. So, let’s dive in and explore the world of Linux on smartphones!

Table of Contents

1. Introduction: installing Kali Linux

Kali Linux, a popular operating system among hackers, security researchers, and pentesters, offers an array of advanced penetration testing tools. By installing Kali Linux on your smartphone, you can perform security checks, crack Wi-Fi passwords, find vulnerabilities, and even explore website security. While some limitations exist, such as reduced resources and specific capabilities, you can still leverage your smartphone for tasks like social engineering and basic security assessments.

2. Prerequisites for installing Kali Linux

Before diving into the installation process, make sure you have the following prerequisites:

  • An active internet connection
  • A smartphone without root access
  • Sufficient storage space on your device

3. Installing F-Droid

To begin, you need to install F-Droid, an open-source app store that provides a wide range of free and open-source applications. Follow these steps to install F-Droid:

  1. Visit the official F-Droid website (link) and download the F-Droid APK file.
  2. Once downloaded, locate the APK file on your smartphone and tap on it to begin the installation process.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.

F-Droid will now be installed on your smartphone, providing access to a vast repository of applications.

4. Installing Termux

Termux is an open-source application that brings a Linux-like environment to your Android smartphone. It allows you to execute Linux commands and run a whole Linux distribution on your device. Follow these steps to install Termux:

  1. Open F-Droid on your smartphone.
  2. Search for “Termux” using the search bar.
  3. Select the “Termux Terminal emulator with packages” option.
  4. Tap on “Versions” and select version 0.117 for a more stable experience.
  5. Tap on “Install” to begin the installation process.
  6. Once installed, launch Termux from your applications menu.

5. Installing Nethunter Kex App

The Nethunter Kex app enables you to access the Kali Linux desktop interface on your Android smartphone. Follow these steps to install the Nethunter Kex app:

  1. Visit the Nethunter Store website (link) on your smartphone.
  2. Download the Nethunter Kex APK file.
  3. Locate the APK file on your smartphone and tap on it to begin the installation process.
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.

The Nethunter Kex app is now installed on your smartphone, allowing you to access the Kali Linux desktop.

6. Installing Hacker’s Keyboard

To enhance your typing experience and enable efficient command execution, we recommend installing the Hacker’s Keyboard. Follow these steps to install Hacker’s Keyboard:

  1. Open the Google Play Store on your smartphone.
  2. Search for “Hacker’s Keyboard” using the search bar.
  3. Select the “Hacker’s Keyboard” app by Klaus Weidner.
  4. Tap on “Install” to begin the installation process.
  5. Once installed, you can find Hacker’s Keyboard in your applications menu.

7. Enabling Hacker’s Keyboard for installing Kali Linux

Now that you have installed Hacker’s Keyboard, let’s enable it for a seamless typing experience. Follow these steps:

  1. Open the “Settings” app on your smartphone.
  2. Locate the “Language & input” or “Keyboard” section.
  3. Look for the “Manage Keyboards” option.
  4. Enable the Hacker’s Keyboard by toggling the switch next to it.

Hacker’s Keyboard is now enabled on your smartphone, providing you with a comprehensive set of keys for efficient command execution.

8. Setting up the Environment for installing Kali Linux

With Termux installed and the Hacker’s Keyboard enabled, it’s time to set up the environment for installing Kali Linux on your smartphone. Follow these steps:

  1. Launch Termux from your applications menu.
  2. Enter the following command to update and upgrade the system:

Copy code

$ pkg update && pkg upgrade -y

  1. Grant Termux access to your device’s storage by executing the following command:

Copy code

$ termux-setup-storage

Grant the necessary permissions when prompted.

  1. Install additional packages required for installing Kali Linux by executing the following command:

Copy code

$ pkg install wget proot tar -y

9. Fetching and Running the Installer Script

To install Kali Linux on your smartphone, we need to fetch and run the installer script. Follow these steps:

  1. Still within the Termux environment, execute the following command to fetch the installer script:

Copy code

$ wget

  1. Make the installer script executable by running the following command:

Copy code

$ chmod +x install-nethunter-termux

  1. Run the installer script:

Copy code

$ ./install-nethunter-termux

The installer script will download the necessary files to install Kali Linux on your smartphone. This process may take some time, depending on your internet connection speed.

10. Launching Kali Linux on Your Smartphone

Once the installation process is complete, you can launch Kali Linux on your smartphone. Follow these steps:

  1. Within the Termux environment, type the following command to start Kali Linux:

Copy code

$ nethunter

  1. Press Enter, and the Kali Linux command-line interface will appear.

Congratulations! You have successfully installed and launched Kali Linux on your smartphone.

11. Enabling Kali Linux Graphical User Interface

By default, Kali Linux on your smartphone operates in a command-line interface. However, you can enable the Graphical User Interface (GUI) for a more user-friendly experience. Follow these steps:

  1. Within the Termux environment, execute the following command to enable the GUI:

Copy code

$ nethunter kex & startkali

  1. After a few moments, the Kali Linux desktop environment will appear.

12. Connecting to Your Kali Linux Instance

With Kali Linux running on your smartphone, you might want to connect to it remotely. Follow these steps to connect to your Kali Linux instance:

  1. Install a VNC viewer app on your smartphone from the Google Play Store.
  2. Open the VNC viewer app and create a new connection.
  3. Enter the IP address of your smartphone and the default VNC port (5901).
  4. Connect to your Kali Linux instance.

You can now remotely access and control your Kali Linux installation on your smartphone.


Congratulations! You have successfully installed Kali Linux on your smartphone without rooting the device. With Kali Linux’s powerful tools and your portable and versatile smartphone, you can now explore the world of penetration testing and security analysis on the go. Remember to use your newfound knowledge responsibly and ethically. Happy hacking!

Remember to always back up your data, follow the instructions carefully, and be aware of the limitations and risks involved when installing Kali Linux on your smartphone.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only. The authors and the platform shall not be held responsible for any misuse or illegal activities performed using the knowledge gained from this article.

92 posts

About author
Troubleshooter @Google Ops | YouTuber (60k subs) | Creator of this website (i.e. The Techrix) Passionate about InfoSec & CTFs | Exploring tech's frontiers with curiosity and creativity."
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