The Techrix is an aggressive initiative, started in 2018 by Swetabh Suman, to help as a sole platform presenting all Hackers News Updates and Information from across the Globe.
The Techrix is a Global Tech & Hacker News Media and Information Platform providing the reach of global cyber threat news and the depth of Cyber Security updates, presenting 24/7 hacker news coverage and analysis on the Gadgets, Tools, Hackers Trends, Technologies & advanced tutorial on Cyber Security.
The very reason for our existence is to help People Stay Consistent in this Regularly Changing Technology Trends by providing them with the Latest and Most Significant updates in the Simplest Form.

We are also an online learning community:
The Techrix e-learning is an online platform for all the students who are willing to take their education on a new height. This is a hub of technical and non-technical courses, here our mission is to provide you everything selected and the best for you. This must be lead to the door of your future.
We have contributed our precious time with the goal that people like us may get quality instruction or guide to make their future brighter. It has a method of learning for beginners to advanced level students. For those who are getting ready for, all kinds of exams. The contenders currently need not to relocate starting with one spot then onto the next.