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Master Google Dorking/Hacking: Unleash the Power of Google Search Hacking

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In the ever-expanding digital landscape, information is key. And when it comes to uncovering hidden data, vulnerabilities, or sensitive information, Google Dorking is the go-to technique for hackers, security professionals, and researchers alike. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the world of Google Dorking, exploring its definition, applications, and the powerful commands that can unlock a treasure trove of information.

Table of Contents

What is Google Dorking?

At its core, Google Dorking, also known as Google Hacking, is the art of using advanced search operators and specific keywords to refine search results and discover hidden or vulnerable websites, exposed data, or valuable information that is not readily available through traditional search methods. By leveraging the power of Google’s search engine, individuals can gain access to sensitive information, uncover security flaws, or gather intelligence about a target.

The Anatomy of Google Dorking

Before diving into the intricacies of Google Dorking commands, it’s essential to understand the five phases that characterize a successful hack: reconnaissance, scanning, gaining access, maintaining access, and clearing tracks. Google Dorking primarily focuses on the reconnaissance phase, where hackers gather intelligence about their target.

During the reconnaissance phase, hackers employ Google Dorking to gather information by including specific dork commands and operators in their Google queries. By interpreting the search results, they can extract valuable data and gain insights into potential vulnerabilities. It’s important to note that while Google Dorking is a powerful tool, it should be used responsibly, as abusing it can have legal consequences.

Google Dorking Command Generator

To simplify the process of creating Google Dorking commands, there are various online tools available, such as the Google Dorking Command Generator. This tool allows users to input their desired search criteria and generates the corresponding dork command. By using this command generator, beginners can quickly apply Google Dorking, while advanced users can save time and effort in crafting complex commands.

Top 15 Google Dorking Commands

Now, let’s explore some of the most commonly used and powerful Google Dorking commands. Each command serves a unique purpose, enabling users to filter search results and uncover specific information. It’s crucial to understand the function, expected search results, and potential applications of each command to maximize its utility. Let’s dive in!

1. Allintitle:

The allintitle: dork allows users to search for web pages with titles containing specific keywords. By using this command, you can filter search results and focus on pages where the desired keywords appear in the title. For example:

allintitle:cyber security essentials

This command will display search results where the keywords “cyber,” “security,” and “essentials” all appear in the page titles. It’s particularly useful when you’re looking for resources or information that specifically mention your desired keywords in the title.

2. Allinurl:

The allinurl: dork helps users find web pages with URLs containing specific keywords. By using this command, you can target search results where the desired keywords appear in the URL. For example:

allinurl:cyber security hacker

This command will display search results where the keywords “cyber,” “security,” and “hacker” all appear in the URL. It’s beneficial when you have a specific URL structure in mind or when you’re looking for web pages related to a particular topic.

3. Cache:

The cache: dork allows users to retrieve the cached version of a web page stored by Google. By using this command, you can access the most recent saved copy of a website, even if it’s temporarily down or has undergone updates. For example:

This command will display the cached version of the website “” It’s useful for accessing website content when the original server is inaccessible or when you want to view a previous version of a webpage.

4. Define:

The define: dork returns dictionary definitions of a specific word or phrase. By using this command, you can quickly find the meaning and various interpretations of a term. For example:


This command will display multiple dictionary definitions of the term “reconnaissance.” It’s helpful when you want to understand the precise meaning of a word or phrase without navigating through multiple sources.

5. Ext:

The ext: dork allows users to search for specific file extensions on a website. By using this command, you can narrow down search results to specific file types, such as PDF or XLS. For example:


This command will display search results with web pages that have the PHP file extension on the website “” It’s particularly useful for finding specific file types or uncovering potential vulnerabilities on a target website.

6. Filetype:

The filetype: dork is similar to the ext: command, but it focuses on searching for specific file types across the web. By using this command, you can filter search results to display pages with the desired file type. For example:


This command will display search results with PDF files from the website “” It’s valuable for finding documents, reports, or other resources in a specific file format.

7. Info:

The info: dork provides information about a specific website, including its cache, similar pages, and pages linking to it. By using this command, you can explore third-party resources related to a web page. For example:

This command will display search results that provide information about the website “” but exclude results from the website itself. It’s useful when you want to gather more information about a specific web page from external sources.

8. Intext:

The intext: dork allows users to search for web pages containing specific keywords within the body text. By using this command, you can filter search results to display pages where the desired keywords appear in the text. For example:

intext:munira tom

This command will display search results with web pages from “” that contain the keywords “munira” and “tom” in the text. It’s helpful when you want to find web pages or articles that discuss specific topics.

9. Intitle:

The intitle: dork enables users to search for web pages with titles containing specific keywords. By using this command, you can filter search results to display pages where the desired keywords appear in the title. For example:


This command will display search results with web pages from “” that have the keyword “google” in the title. It’s beneficial when you’re looking for web pages on a specific website that mention your desired keyword in the title.

10. Inurl:

The inurl: dork allows users to search for web pages with URLs containing specific keywords. By using this command, you can filter search results to display pages where the desired keywords appear in the URL. For example:


This command will display search results with web pages that have the keyword “example” in the URL but exclude results from the website “” It’s useful when you’re looking for web pages with URLs that follow a specific pattern.

The link: dork helps users find web pages that link to a specific domain. By using this command, you can discover external websites that reference a particular domain. For example: "kali purple"

This command will display search results with web pages that link to “” and mention the phrase “kali purple.” It’s valuable when you want to assess the impact or popularity of a specific web resource.

12. Map:

The map: dork allows users to retrieve maps of a given location. By using this command, you can access maps or location information directly from Google. For example:


This command will display the map of “1 Hackers Road” or a relevant location on Google Maps. It’s useful when you need a quick overview or directions to a specific place.

13. Phonebook:

The phonebook: dork allows users to find phone numbers and contact information for specific individuals or businesses. By using this command, you can gather contact details from various sources. For example:


This command will display search results with phone numbers associated with the input number. It’s helpful when you want to look up caller IDs or find contact information for a specific person or business.

The related: dork helps users find websites similar to a given website. By using this command, you can discover related web pages and broaden your research scope. For example: security

This command will display search results with web pages that are similar to “” and relate to the topic of security. It’s valuable when you want to explore related resources or expand your knowledge on a specific subject.

15. Site:

The site: dork allows users to search within a specific website, top-level domain, or subdomain. By using this command, you can restrict search results to a particular web property. For example: keyword

This command will display search results from the website “” that contain the desired keyword. It’s particularly useful when you want to find specific information or resources within a specific website.

[Google Dorking] Conclusion

Google Dorking is a powerful technique that allows users to uncover hidden information, vulnerabilities, and sensitive data. By mastering the art of Google Dorking and utilizing the various commands at your disposal, you can enhance your research capabilities, improve OSINT (Open-Source Intelligence) gathering, and strengthen your cybersecurity posture. However, it’s important to use this technique responsibly and ethically, ensuring compliance with legal frameworks and respecting the privacy of others.

Remember, Google Dorking is a tool that can be both beneficial and potentially harmful. Use it with caution, always prioritize ethical considerations, and stay up to date with the latest security practices. Happy Dorking!

Additional Information on Google Dorking

  • For more in-depth tutorials on Google Dorking and cybersecurity, check out our comprehensive course on Cybersecurity that covers advanced techniques and best practices.
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About author
Troubleshooter @Google Ops | YouTuber (60k subs) | Creator of this website (i.e. The Techrix) Passionate about InfoSec & CTFs | Exploring tech's frontiers with curiosity and creativity."
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