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Zoom Escaper: Will help you to escape from any Zoom meetings with Audio problems

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Don’t wanna attend Zoom meetings? Can’t bear another day of sitting on video calls, the interruption of your fast maturing face, stuck in one corner of the screen like a shrinking bug? If yes then we an application for you that can help you to escape from any zoom meetings :D. Meet Zoom Escaper

A free webapp that allows you to add a variety of phony sound effects to your next Zoom Call, giving you with various options to end the meeting and get away, while you actually can. 

You can select barking dogs, construction noise, crying baby, or considerably more complex sound effects like uneven sound and undesirable echoes. Made by developer Sam Lavigne, Zoom Escaper is incredibly easy to use. All you need to do is download a free piece of sound programming VB-Audio that routes your sound through the site, then change your sound input to Zoom from your microphone to VB-Audio, and play with the effetcs. 

You can watch a video tutorials on this exercise on the best way to set up Zoom Escaper and tune in to an example of the different audio effetcs here:

  • Urination: “That sounds very fake. Also, I’m not entirely sure what the plan is to sell this as a reason to leave a call?”
  • Construction: “This sounds like you stood in the middle of a construction site. I think the sounds need to be a bit more muffled to sell it, but it’s very good.”
  • Man Weeping: “Those are the sobs of a broken man. But who’s crying — is it your roommate, your partner?”
  • Bad Connection: “This one works well. Your audio is coming through broken up and disrupted. Get off the call.”
  • Echo: “Extremely annoying and very convincing. This sounds like a busted Zoom connection. If someone I was speaking to had this, I’d tell them to get it fixed. It wouldn’t be feasible to have a meeting with that.”
  • Wind: “If you were trying to skive off work, I’m not sure how you’d convincingly sell gale force winds in your own office.”
  • Dog: “That sounds very real. It sounds like a dog barking outside, but maybe not the sort of thing you’d need to take care of?”
  • Upset Baby: “That baby sounds decently upset! This is something you should go and check on! Go and take care of your baby!”

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According to the Verge; Upset Baby gave the most forgivable motivation to drop a call, yet besides compels somebody trust you have a child. 

Zoom Escaper isn’t simply the first of Lavigne’s projects that causes PC harm. His 2017 project “The Good Life” let clients join to get 225,000 emails seized from Enron during its 2001 collapse, while 2016’s Slow Hot Computer is a site that… makes your PC run very slow and hot. “Use it at work to slowdown your productvity,” says Lavigne. 

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Troubleshooter | YouTuber (60k subs) | Creator of this website (i.e. The Techrix) Passionate about InfoSec & CTFs | Exploring tech's frontiers with curiosity and creativity."
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